Thursday, December 07, 2006

Im Gonna Be on TRL Monday!

I went to TRL today for the taping of Gwen's appearance to be shown on Monday. Here are some pictures of me at the studio!

Im the one in the hoodie, top left

Click on the images to enlarge them!


Anonymous said...

Awesome, you're lucky to get to see Gwen. She looks good. Her style is so quirky, it's cool :) Hope you had fun dude.

retrospect. said...

that's pretty sweet!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

o cool, i saw her when she came to toronto last week, i was pretty much on camera the whole time too! lol doesnt she look amazing in real life?

Anonymous said...

heeheehee! i see yooo! hahaahaa ur lucky! u had a good seat! stupid trl, i thought they're supposed to be 'live' hahaha! did u guys get any freebies or anything?